Spanish Banner: Intercambio de Enlaces
Spanish Banner: Intercambio de Enlaces.


Madame Chartier dims the lights in the auditorium and activates the computer to play the presentation. The perspective of the camera is a location in space, looking at and approaching Earth. As the camera approaches lightning flashes over a brown murky sea. Three dimensional ball and stick models of chemicals glow near the surface of the water. Shadows of tadpoles begin to swim at the surface, then they change into shadows of fish that grow feet and then walk up on land. Some grow wings and fly, while others acquire fur, and then climb trees, then change from ambling monkeys to walking humans. Then the two begin to run, naked, and their bodies acquire color. A symphony by Vivaldi plays, and then the voice of a narrator was heard.

"We developed friendship, and the need for a more complex communication. At first we relied on adjectives, comparatives, superlatives, and other grammar structures, along with counting numbers, to describe reality."

The music stops.

"But it wasn't enough."

The music of Vivaldi begins again, this time with the sounds of more instruments.

"We developed tools– Alegebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, and we used them to master the laws of physics."

We see Erastothenes measuring the angle of sunlight to determine the circumference of the earth. The earth is located at the center of the screen, then the hand of Copernicus pushes it aside, and a star appears. Next Kepler draws an elliptical orbit for the planet to follow around the star.

A holograph shows Leibnitz and Newton solving calculus problems. Then the scene changes to rain pouring down over a village, and then lightning strikes a rod of metal, and the light illuminates the face of Benjamin Franklin looking out the window. The house changes into a laboratory, and we see computer images of the locations of atoms in matrices.

"Current flowing through matrices produced electromagnetic fields, which were used to modify matrices from their natural states to synthetic virtual states. These matrices in turn were used to generate new fields of energy, previously unattainable. At first, composites utilizing this technology were sent into space to collect solar energy and compact it into special matrices which were then returned to remote locations on earth where they unleashed their stored energy. This new technology has made France the center of new wealth. But there is more."

Unexplained, reproducible readings have been demonstrated near some of the fields. Initial attempts to explain these readings required calculations involving time and space, to a degree that made the equations seem ludicrous. These findings were not published. However, new experiments devised to focus in on these strange readings have substantiated the time-space factor. We now are faced with time-energy superposition calculations, which, in order to prove, require that we build a device capable of generating these fields to test non-Newtonian kinematics."

The words ‘Non-Newtonian Kinematics' flash at the bottom of the screen. A young blonde guy with blue eyes and a "to-die-for" smile steps out of a race car.

"In a race car, the distance you travel in a given amount of time is limited by the maximum speed of your vehicle, which in turn is limited by the power of your engine. In a space ship, the distance traveled over a given time frame is limited by an acceleration rate of 9.8 meters per second."

The music begins to crescendo, with more deep base notes sounding a rythym.

La música empieza a hacer crescendo, con más tonos de fondo bajo sonando un ritmo.

"Faster rates of acceleration would place dangerous pressure on the crew. The secret now is to find a way to apply energy to shorten the distance between to locations, by applying the fields necessary to distort the time-space continuum."

"Tasas de acceleración más rápidas pondría poner presión peligrosa en la tripulación. El secreto ahora es para encontrar una manera para aplicar energía para acortarse la distancia entre dos lugares, para aplicar los campos necesario para deformar el continuum de tiempo-espacio.
(I will probably want to come back later and add more details to the ‘movie')

The movie ends and the lights turned back on.

Madame Chartier steps in front of the group.

"Now you know the nature of the project. We have more information available for you to review. Everything here remains here. No notes or books leave.


The Dark Desert Highway